Webinar on Master Class for MSME Owners - How to comply with Customers Requirements for Vendor Compliance on ISMS

We are pleased to invite you and your team at {field2} to join our Master Class for Owners and IT Managers of MSMEs, presented by Vishal Prakash Shah.

In the MSME sector, owners and IT managers frequently face compliance requirements from large enterprise customers, government bodies, and international clients. These requirements often focus on data protection, information security, IT policy frameworks, and insider threat mitigation.

It’s common to receive extensive compliance checklists or tender criteria that can be daunting and complex.

Many MSME leaders and IT managers find themselves uncertain about how to respond to these requirements. Additionally, compliance certifications from third-party auditors are often requested by their large customers, adding to the challenge.

In this master class, Vishal Prakash Shah will guide you through a sample compliance checklist, demonstrating how to effectively respond to each item, prepare for audits, and maintain ongoing compliance.

This session aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently meet these standards.

Master Class for MSME Owners

27th September 2024 Time: 3:00 PM

Don't miss out! Reserve your spot now

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Why Attend

In the MSME sector, you often encounter stringent requirements focused on data protection, information security, IT policy frameworks, and insider threat mitigation. Navigating these demands can be challenging, especially with extensive compliance checklists or tender criteria.

Vishal Prakash Shah will guide you through a sample compliance checklist, demonstrating how to respond to each item, prepare for audits, and maintain ongoing compliance. This master class will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently meet these standards.

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What You'll Learn

  • Sample Checklist in Excel: Review the most common IT Systems, Policies, and Practices questions.
  • Essential Tools for Compliance: Discover the tools needed for successful compliance with each question.
  • Essential Practices for Compliance:** Understand the practices necessary for effective compliance.