Synersoft expresses sincere gratitude towards Filsep Equipment Pvt Ltd, Vadodara, for completing the 8th year of BLACKbox adoption. It was a proud moment when Mr Sudhir Chaubey, Co-Founder of Synersoft, presented a memento to Shri Alap Derasari at Filsep Group.

The BLACKbox deployment is for 80 users working on technical design software for the design projects for filtration and separation equipment, packaged process equipment, and lube oil consoles. They are ISO -9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 CERTIFIED. ASME “ U” & “NB” APPROVED manufacturer.

Protection of their proprietary designs and classified information of the digital assets from loss, leakage, and theft was the prime concern the management of Filsep Group has expressed while investing in BLACKbox. They are also subject to strict information security compliances mandated by most customers.

BLACKbox has achieved the objective of deploying all IT standardization functions in a single hardware and single software and protecting confidential data from loss, leakage and theft. Compared to traditional solutions, this deployment has saved significant hardware and software costs to the extent of 60%. They have also exercised their option to upgrade the latest featured BLACKbox by exercising their buy-back option to maximize the RoI from BLACKbox. It is a sense of pride for the entire Synersoft Team. Thank you, Shri Alap Derasari and Shri Viral Patel, for all your trust and customership.

They also use DNS Splitter Technology by Synersoft for their email communication which saves the cost of their GMail subscription by 70%.