January 26, 2019

Why Indian SMEs are sitting ducks for cyber criminals…

Dear Readers, A couple of days, one of the BLACKbox SME customers sent me following link to very credible Economic Times digital edition. The facts reported […]
January 4, 2018

Finally, the count down is over.

Dear Readers, Finally, the count down is over. It feels great launching BLACKBox MAX. Rightly said to be Generations Ahead. Yes, it is the most feature-rich, […]
October 2, 2017

Know why BLACKbox price rises…

Dear Readers, Over last one month our sales team sent out regular email on price rise as well as some tax and interest cost benefits on […]
September 18, 2017

Unseen Assets, Unforeseen Risks…

Unseen Assets, Unforeseen Risks… Hi There, Unseen, expresses mystery, uncertainty, fear and risk. And Unforeseen surely damages. I am writing this blog to help my SME […]
September 15, 2017

Is your laptop Hole or a Plug?

Is your laptop Hole or a Plug? Laptops are the integral devices to carry or use Intellectual Property, Sensitive Business Information and Digital Assets for an […]
August 19, 2017

BLACKbox and GMail shaking hands, saving huge costs

Hi There, By the time you receive this interesting reading, most SMEs will be closer to complexities of GST adoption in their businesses.. Festive holidays of August refresh […]
October 9, 2016

Our latest innovation is not BLACKbox

This time I am writing this post with a specific intention. After our blockbuster disruptive innovation BLACKbox, we raised high expectations for ourselves.   It was […]