March 9, 2020

Liberating SMEs, who are compelled, fixed

Our economy depends on how we are doing, we the SMEs, largest employment creators, highest tax contributors, and the largest foreign exchange earners for our country. […]
February 24, 2020

Face to Face: 2nd generation Industrialist in Pharma Equipment Manufacturing

With popular demand, I continue this series of interviews with leading enterprise owners. Of course, it is more demanding than just writing at leisure on Sundays. […]
February 17, 2020

Presenting Jai for your Veeru, that admin guy

Sholay, a classic blockbuster, is a story about a friendship between Jai and Veeru. A gold-hearted, Veeru with all his vices and weaknesses, depends on his friend Jai and emerges victorious. Jai stands by Veeru in every […]
February 10, 2020

Our Journey to the Blue Ocean

Color of our strategy is blue   Blue Ocean Strategy, this book has always intrigued me since Kim and Mauborgne authored it way back in 2004. […]
February 3, 2020

BLACKbox ruthlessly disrupting File Severs / NAS Boxes

Hi There, 18 months back, I attended a conclave on data storage as a speaker. I put across my views on how BLACKbox is killing traditional […]
January 27, 2020

Walk the Talk: Honest feedback from an Entrepreneur

It does not happen frequently, but when it happens, I sincerely get back to work.   Such was an honest feedback by a reader of my […]
January 20, 2020

Innovation Update: Rebound Strategy after Ransomware Attack