13 years of an amazing journey from 15 users to 200 users of G M Engineering with BLACKbox

It is exceptional. 13 years of customership, coping with the growth from 15 users to 200 users. Synersoft expresses sincere gratitude towards G M Engineering Pvt Ltd Rajkot on completing the 12th year of BLACKbox adoption. It was a proud moment when Mr. Sudhir Chaubey, Co-Founder of Synersoft presented a memento to Shri Bhavin Javiya at G M Engineering Group.

The BLACKbox deployment started with 15 users in the year 2010 and grew to 200 users over a period of time. The users at G M Engineering work on technical software, ERP, CRM and operations management software. GM Engineering is a market leader for the industrial valves that are designed and manufactured for different clients across the globe. They employ tried-and-tested R&D strategies to manufacture valves that can serve numerous purposes and withstand extremes.

Protection of their proprietary design data and drawings from loss, leakage, and theft was the prime concern the management of G M Engineering has expressed while investing in BLACKbox. They are also subject to strict information security compliances mandated by the majority of the customers.

BLACKbox has achieved the objective of deploying all IT standardization functions in a single hardware and single software and protecting confidential data from loss, leakage and theft. Compared to traditional solutions, this deployment has saved significant hardware and software costs to the extent of 60%. It is a sense of pride for the entire Synersoft Team. Thank you Shri Bhavin Javiya for all your trust and customership.